Rolling Success: The Legacy of Yocum Brothers in Reading, PA

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y-b quality cigars yocum brothers reading PennsylvaniaThe Yocum Brothers Company was established in Reading, PA with a rich history in the cigar and tobacco industry that flourished in the state during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Founded in the mid-1800s, the company became one of the region’s most successful cigar manufacturers, serving as a cornerstone of Reading’s thriving industrial economy. Their legacy reflects the meticulous craftsmanship and entrepreneurial spirit that defined Pennsylvania’s golden age of tobacco production.

At their height, the Yocum Brothers Company operated a state-of-the-art facility in Reading, employing hundreds of skilled workers who hand-rolled cigars with precision and care. This workforce was largely composed of immigrants, particularly German and Eastern European families, who brought expertise in tobacco cultivation and cigar-making. The company became renowned for producing premium cigars that were distributed nationwide, with some even reaching international markets.

The popular tagline used in a lot of their advertising was “B-Y’s And Buy Y-B’s” (Be Wise And Buy Y-B’s).

The success of the Yocum Brothers Company was closely tied to Pennsylvania’s fertile farmland, particularly in Conestoga, PA. The region, known for its high-quality tobacco, played a significant role in the industry’s development. The popular term “stogie,” a colloquialism for cigars, originated from Conestoga, as the area provided much of the raw material for cigar production. Teamsters, who transported goods via Conestoga wagons, were known to favor affordable cigars made from this locally grown tobacco.

Eastern Pennsylvania’s tobacco industry was uniquely positioned, benefiting from both favorable agricultural conditions and proximity to major markets along the Eastern Seaboard. The Yocum Brothers capitalized on these advantages, sourcing tobacco from local growers and building a strong supply chain. Their cigars were known for their rich flavor and consistent quality, earning them a loyal customer base in a competitive market.

I’m always interested in buying Yocum Bros. Advertising & Cigar Cutters.
Feel free to contact me anytime.

As the cigar industry expanded in the late 19th century, the Yocum Brothers Company innovated to stay ahead of trends. They introduced branded packaging and creative marketing campaigns to distinguish their products. The company’s iconic “red and yellow labels often featured intricate designs, including patriotic imagery and scenes of prosperity, which appealed to the sensibilities of the era.

The company also contributed to Reading’s economy and community. Its success provided steady employment for many residents and supported businesses such as advertising sign manufacturers, box makers, label printers, and tobacco farms. The Yocum Brothers were known for their philanthropic efforts, contributing to local charities and civic organizations.

However, like many cigar manufacturers of the time, the Yocum Brothers faced challenges as the industry evolved. The advent of machine-made cigars in the early 20th century revolutionized production, enabling faster and cheaper manufacturing. While the company initially resisted mechanization, they eventually adapted to the new technology to remain competitive. The Yocum Brothers Company managed to weather the storm of changing consumer preferences and economic conditions during the Great Depression, thanks in part to their strong brand reputation. Their cigars continued to be a staple in the market, though the industry as a whole began to consolidate, with smaller manufacturers merging or closing altogether.

World War II brought another shift in the cigar industry. Tobacco was in high demand for soldiers’ rations, and companies like Yocum Brothers experienced a temporary boom in support of the war efforts. However, the post-war era saw declining cigar consumption as cigarettes gained popularity. The company adjusted its product offerings but struggled to regain the prominence it once held.  By the mid-20th century, the Yocum Brothers Company ceased operations, a casualty of broader trends affecting the cigar industry. Despite this, their legacy remains embedded in Reading’s history.

Today, collectors and historians continue to seek out artifacts from the Yocum Brothers Company, such as vintage cigar boxes, labels, and promotional advertising items. The story of the Yocum Brothers Company is celebrated as part of Reading’s cultural heritage; their contributions to the local economy and their role in shaping the cigar industry defined the region.

Below are a few Yocum Bros relics from my collection:

I’m always interested in buying Yocum Bros. Advertising & Cigar Cutters.
Feel free to contact me anytime.