Here is a Deppens Beer Tap Knob from the Deppen Brewing Company located in Reading, PA. This Deppens Beer Tap Knob is from the early 1930’s era and is in excellent condition considering how old it is.
It is made of a white and cobalt blue porcelain enamel face mounted on a red bakelite body. The lettering on this knob reads “Reading Deppens Penna” in blue lettering; the “Reading Penna” was an abbreviation for Reading, Pennsylvania and was widely used during the time.
There is an actually another variation of this know with a blue face on a black bakelite body; click here to view the other variation form my personal collection. Between the two variations, this red and white knob example is considered to be the oldest. It’s great have both variations and I’m always on the hunt for additional Deppen item to add to my ever-growing Deppen collection.