Lima, OH
The Biltmore Sign Company was established in the early 1930’s era located in Lima, OH. Biltmore Sign Co. was a manufacturer of lighted neon and glass advertising signs with clients across the country in various industries.  Some of the most well-known and visually attractive Biltmore signs were barback signs made of black metal bodies with neon lettering overtop of a metal graphic panel behind glass.  These signs have an art deco stylized body with chrome-accented bands.

Biltmore Sign Company was the sister company under Artkraft located in Lima, OH. Biltmore’s workforce consisted of 100% Union Workers and was advertised in their publications as 100% unionized.  The only other competitors that were producing similar neon lighted signs were companies like Neon Products Inc. located in Lima, OH, and Lackner Sign Company located in Cincinnati, OH.

Various breweries across the country hired Biltmore Company to produce bar back signs to advertise both the brewery as well as their products.  Just some of them were breweries like Kaiers, Mauch Chunk, Yuengling, Flock, Lebanon Valley, Beth Uhl, Neuweiler, Yuenglings, Horlacher, Hudlehol, Ziegler, Red Top, Missoula, Highlands, Anaconda, Butte, Acme, and Atlantic just to name a few.

Below are a few examples of Biltmore Sign Company signs:

I’m always interested in buying Biltmore signs & parts.
Feel free to contact me anytime.