Deppen Brewing Company

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The original brewery was established by Peter Nagel in 1828 located in Reading, PA located at 931 / 937 Chestnut Street Reading, PA. Peter ran the brewery operation up until he sold it to Nicholas A. Felix in 1845.  Nicholas A. Felix … Continued

Wacker Brewing Company

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The history of the Wacker Brewing Company of Lancaster, PA all started when the brewery was established in 1853 by Joseph Sprenger and was originally named the Eagle Brewing Company. In 1868, Lancaster County was known as the “Munich of … Continued

During Prohibition

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On January 16th, 1920 the United States instated a law appealing the 18th Amendment which prohibited the making, buying, and selling of alcoholic beverages including beer, spirits, and wine.  This point in time was know as prohibition. With prohibition instated; how could breweries survive…? During … Continued