Breweriana Social Experiment

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Hello BrewAf-ers, my name is Chad Campbell and I am the owner and creator of Breweriana Aficionado; this fine breweriana website and blog at I have been collecting Breweriana and cans for about 7 years. Every year I attend … Continued

Leinenkugel Beer Gillco Lighted Sign

posted in: Blog, Spotlight | 0

Here is a Leinenkugel Beer Gillco Lighted Sign from the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company located in Chippewa Falls, WI.  This Leinenkugel Beer Sign is from the 1940’s era and is in excellent condition for it’s age. This sign is approximately 10.5″ x 15″. … Continued

During Prohibition

posted in: Blog, History | 0

On January 16th, 1920 the United States instated a law appealing the 18th Amendment which prohibited the making, buying, and selling of alcoholic beverages including beer, spirits, and wine.  This point in time was know as prohibition. With prohibition instated; how could breweries survive…? During … Continued

Old Reading Beer Vargas Pin-Ups

posted in: Blog, Breweriana | 0

After the National Repeal of Prohibition in 1933 there was a huge stampede of eye catching advertising being produced by breweries in an effort to stand outside of an already flooded market of beer and brewery advertising. All sorts of … Continued