Behind the Enamel: Techniques for Authenticating Vintage Porcelain Signs

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genuine ford parts porcelain sign Samuel Stamping and Enameling Company Chattanooga Samuel Signs ChattanoogaAntique porcelain signs, popular from the late 19th to mid-20th century, are cherished by collectors for their nostalgic appeal and vibrant artistry. These signs, once ubiquitous in advertising for products ranging from soda to gasoline, are now rare artifacts representing a bygone era. However, with their growing popularity, the market has seen a rise in reproductions and fakes. Authenticating an antique porcelain sign involves a meticulous process combining historical knowledge, material analysis, and expert scrutiny.

The first step in authenticating an antique porcelain sign is understanding its historical context. Porcelain signs were initially produced using a durable enamel coating over metal, allowing them to withstand the elements. Companies like Coca-Cola, Mobil, and Texaco commissioned these signs to advertise their products prominently. Knowledge of the time periods and styles used by these companies is crucial. For instance, signs from the early 1900s through the 1920s were often feature bold, colorful graphics, while those from the 1940s may have more subdued hues due to material shortages during World War II.

Material analysis is another critical aspect of authentication. Genuine porcelain signs are made with layers of enamel baked onto a metal base, typically steel or iron. Over time, these materials exhibit certain aging characteristics. Rust patterns on the back of the sign and around the edges are indicative of age. Additionally, authentic signs have a distinct, smooth, and glossy finish, with vibrant colors that do not fade easily. Experts often use magnification tools to examine the surface for these qualities, distinguishing them from modern reproductions that may lack the same depth and luster.  Inspection of mounting holes provides another clue to authenticity. Antique porcelain signs typically have pre-drilled holes for mounting on walls or poles. The wear around these holes can indicate genuine age and usage. Signs with perfectly symmetrical or cleanly cut holes may be modern reproductions. The presence of grommets, the metal rings around the holes, can also be telling. Authentic signs often have heavy-duty brass grommets that show significant wear, while newer signs might have lighter, less worn fittings.

yuengling beer ale porcelain signBelow are a few early porcelain sign manufacturers:

Provenance and documentation significantly bolster the case for a sign’s authenticity. Provenance refers to the history of ownership and can include receipts, photographs, or records of previous sales. Collectors should seek signs with well-documented histories, as these records provide a paper trail that verifies the sign’s age and origin. Expert evaluation is indispensable in the authentication process. Reputable dealers and appraisers who specialize in antique advertising signs possess the knowledge and experience to identify authentic pieces accurately. They can provide certifications or detailed reports that attest to a sign’s authenticity.

Despite these rigorous methods, the authentication of antique porcelain signs can never be entirely foolproof. The best defense against fakes is education and vigilance. Collectors should immerse themselves in the history and characteristics of the signs they are interested in and maintain a network of knowledgeable contacts. Attending antique shows, joining collector clubs, and participating in online forums can provide valuable information and support.  Authenticating antique porcelain signs is a multifaceted process that requires a blend of historical knowledge, material analysis, expert evaluation, and technological methods. As the market for these nostalgic pieces continues to grow, so does the importance of thorough and accurate authentication. Collectors who take the time to educate themselves and seek professional advice will be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of this fascinating and rewarding hobby.

Below are a few examples of porcelain signs:

I’m always interested in buying original porcelain advertising signs.
Feel free to contact me anytime.

Breweriana Aficionado LLC and its employees are not a licensed authenticator. The tips and tricks shared in this article are based on personal experience in buying, selling, and trading  antique porcelain signs since 2012. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information, it is important for readers to conduct their own research and consult with professional experts before making any authentication decisions. The methods described here are intended as guidelines and should not replace professional advice.