Here is a Graupner’s Beer Sign from the Robert H. Graupner Brewing Company located in Harrisburg, PA.  This Graupner’s Sign is from the 1930s era and is in excellent condition considering how old it is.

The advertising on this sign provides dual advertising for Graupner’s Silver Stock Lager and Graupner’s Old German Beer.  The sign was made by the Permanent Sign & Display Company located in Reading, PA.  It’s approximately 16″ by 7.5″ and would have been displayed inside of a tavern to advertise Graupner’s Silver Stock Lager and Old German Beer to patrons.

There is a second variation of this sign also made by Permanent Sign & Display Company with very similar graphics except it reads “Graupner’s Beer” with the word Beer in the lower right corner. I am actively looking for that variation to add to my collection; please contact me if you have either and are interested in selling.